About Us

John and Celine Agee serve with Engineering Ministries International (EMI) in France and Senegal.

God has been drawing us to Himself and to His service from a young age. In early 2014, John, a civil & water resources engineer studying French near Paris, met Céline. As John and Céline started talking more, it became evident that God had brought them together for His glory.

John’s desire to follow Jesus started as his parents shared about His saving power and grace. From his travel around the USA with his parents as a child and his first international experience in Guatemala, God provided opportunities for him to connect with different cultures and to share the hope that he had found in Jesus.

During Celine’s journey from DR Congo to France, she passed through Tanzania to the island of Mayotte. God continued to reveal Himself through His faithfulness to protect her life and to connect her with communities who were following Jesus.

Using his technical experience and background, John began serving with EMI in 2010 to lead design professionals on teams serving the Church around the globe and to open an office in West Africa. This vision took John via France to Senegal, where he and Celine work with a diverse team, mobilizing project teams and sharing stories of God’s faithfulness.